Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've been running

I've been running,

and I am really trying to like it. When I really start to get intense about it, like maybe running in a race, I will be buying these beauties to switch off with my wonderful adidas that my hubby picked out for me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Purple Potatoes

Was anyone else aware that purple potatoes exist? I came across these things about a month ago in a bag of mixed potatoes. They are purple inside and out and I think that they are one of the prettiest foods ever! Plus I figured if they are so pretty and colorful, they have to be more healthy than regular potatoes. I went to the handy dandy google, and sure enough, they are rich in antioxidants.This is a win win situation people!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

OneRepublic - Good Life

We went to my cousin's wedding in New Mexico this last week and their first dance was to this song. Love it! Now everytime I hear it I think of being newly married and the magic of it all. Then I look at my hubby and realize we've been married for 4 years! The beginning is great but it just keeps getting better.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


These babies are my next online order

Saturday, April 2, 2011

We eat mexican food at least 4 times a week This is what we usually come up with and it is sooo delicious.

Monday, March 7, 2011


"It's not just a burrito. It's foil rapped, hand crafted, local farm supporting, food culture changing, cylinder of deliciousness."

We ate this 4 times within a week. Due to the BOGO coupon that was available. I would have posted the deal when it was going on, but I was a little busy eating my cylinder of deliciousness and forgot.

It's still worth paying full price.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Good reads

I've always had this obsession with children's books. Every year at the book fair I would get a new children's book. When I was in 6th grade I wasn't getting the goosebumps books or the cool 6th grade reads. I was getting full on kiddie books. The library is where I would get those 6th grade reads, but I really just wanted to own the children's books and those books that had good memories linked to them. The other day I added this book to my collection. I remember my kindergarten teacher reading this book to us.

Next collection on my list are these hilarious books. I laugh everytime. Seriously.